Saturday, January 30, 2010

Songs of the Day: Gordon Lightfoot

I was watching my dvd of "Wonderland", starring Val Kilmer, the other day and when the end credits rolled, "If You Could Read My Mind" by Gordon Lightfoot played.  The final scene is of Val Kilmer and Kate Bosworth riding into a desert sunset as this song plays.  After the darkness and violence of the previous two hours, the beauty of the scenery and Lightfoot's voice jumped out at me.  It was such a departure that I found myself reappreciating the song, it's lyrics and his vocals. 

Along with "The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald", "If You Could Read My Mind" and "Sundown" are probably Lightfoot's two biggest and most recognizable hits.  Here he is, circa 1974, performing two of those, and with only two other musicians, on "The Midnight Special".  This was not a taped or mimed performance, which goes to show you what a seasoned performer he was at this point in his career. 

"If You Could Read My Mind"


"Sundown" must have just been released, because the crowd does not immediately recognize the song.  I like how they get into it about halfway through.  You can tell that Lightfoot draws from the crowd's energy when they do. 

By the way, love the denim!  This was when Gordon Lightfoot looked like the twin of the guy in the Camel ads:
And just before he released his iconic 70's album, "Gord's Gold".

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