Friday, January 15, 2010

A Minor Rant

Or, to acknowledge the Bill Hicks album, a "Rant in A Minor".

I read a Voice of the People letter in today's South Bend Tribune bashing Rep. Joe Donnelly's vote for health care reform (I guess they're calling it insurance reform now).  The writer called it "a vote for a government takeover of our healthcare system". 

Where is the government takeover?  Progressives wanted single payer, settled for a public option and got neither.  What we are dickering over now is a bill which will help people but amounts to a watered down version of a watered down public option compromise.  The only government role will be some modified regulatory power that they had to begin with. 

Another argument is the money being spent.  People, we stopped counting our money about seven Presidents ago.  It's all theoretical at this point, just paper passing from one hand to another if it's even seen at all.  Do you think that when you hear about a professional athlete's salary, a big business merger or a government's budget that there are people transporting wheelbarrows full of cash from one account to another?  If our debt were "real", it could be called in by Saudi Arabia or China at any time.  There is a fictional movie called "Rollover" which supposes what would happen if Saudi Arabia did call on our marker.  It's not pretty.

I guess what I am trying to say is this: relax.  Too much thinking will just give you a headache.

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