Monday, January 18, 2010

"24": Thrilling, Gritty...Slow?

In Friday's USA Today I read a preview of the new season of "24" which the writer characterized as "old" and "slow".  That's not the show I watched last night, and will watch tonight, as the premiere continues.

I am a "24" fan, and have been since the second season (we are now in season eight), so that colors my opinion of the show.  However, I will say that with the possible exception of a show here and there on cable no show continues to keep you guessing and keep you on the edge of your seat like "24".  If the plot seems familiar, the premise recycled, the actors mere role players, the writing is what keeps the show fresh.  What would be a season ending cliffhanger for any other show is just another week's episode for "24".  All this is propelled by the intense Kiefer Sutherland.  The HD cameras may show his age (wrinkles and all, but hasn't Jack Bauer experienced some things that would tend to prematurely age someone?), but Sutherland still keeps the show going with the strength of his portrayal and the believeability of his emotions during each scene.

Yes, I will be there at 8pm tonight.  Oh, did I mention that Agent Renee Walker (Anne Wersching) from season seven is returning tonight?  That does not hurt, either.


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