Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Bye Bye Bayh

Heard anything interesting lately?

Here in Indiana, Senator Evan Bayh's shocking retirement today hit us like a bomb.  This is a guy with an 85% approval rating (according to a Research 2000 poll released last week).  Plans were well underway to shoot a commercial in South Bend this week.  Local and state Democratic officials were preparing for the upcoming campaign.  Now this. 

Everyone is still trying to come to grips with the implications of this announcement.  Here are a few good stories which look at the long and short term angles:

Bayh's choice leaves state Party officials choosing replacement candidate  TPM

Bayh calls lack of primary "a good thing" in call with Dems TPM

Conservatives back D'Ippolito Politico

Bayh humbug! Alternet

Not his father's son Salon.com

Bayh decision not to run like Manning's fourth quarter interception Christian Science Monitor

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